@属虎人2019年和太歲为六合化木,主导2019年的生肖虎福氣较旺,多利于财运,利于物质运,收益主要为正财,即是正当合理的收入,并且很丰厚,容易得到贵人的关照和扶持,容易得到长辈的馈赠等。但是2019年的生肖虎也遭遇勾绞煞和犯破,那就需要提防被牵连,预防因为口舌是非而给自己招惹麻烦,求财的话,多走正道,不宜过分贪婪,否则傷身破财也可能会因此而引發。 American buddha center 西方寺
On the 13th of February (Lunar January 9th), the birthday of the Jade Emperor Yuhuang Dadi, the folk custom is that the people need to go to the temple and pray for good weather.
On the 9th of February, Lunar January the 5th, at 9:45 am, we face north and welcome Caishen by offering fruits. You can also visit the temple and make offerings to Caishen.
“Western Temple Activity” on February 4th, New Year’s Eve, at 9 o’clock that night, start praying for the blessing at 10 o’clock and asking for good fortune and serving Vegetarian noodles.
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American Buddha Center
4089 Renate Dr Las Vegas NV 89103